Sissy Walk

I promised myself I would get back into the blog game by Thanksgiving, and just under the wire I offer Freedom Now Brothers' "Sissy Walk" on the All Brothers label outta Philly. After stating in my last post that I had pretty much sworn off e-bay, I must admit that this was an e-bay purchase.
"Sissy Walk" is a fairly well known funk tune, having been sampled years ago, as well as reissued with the fantastic Ann Robinson tune 'You Did It" on the flip. Still, it's a quality tune that is heavy on the horns as well as the drums.
From what I have been able to find on the internet, the All Brothers label was run by Philly DJ Sonny Hopson, and had only 3 releases:
42269 - Freedom Now Brothers "Sissy Walk / It's Our Thing"
61069 - Ann Robinson "I'm Still Waiting / You Did It"
72869 - Emanon's "Look In The Want Ads" / Emanon's Orchestra "Birdwalking"
I placed them in order of what seems to be their release number. If anyone has any additional details or information, it would be appreciated. If any more details come my way, I will update this post.
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