90% Of Me Is You

Here's a tune that recently got under my skin in a very big way...Gwen McRae's "90% Of Me Is You" on Cat. Perhaps it is old hat to many readers, but I had only recently heard a partial clip in an e-bay auction, and with that 1 minute I heard, I knew I had to find myself a copy.
So many things converge on this record to make it special: the strings that move in the background, the underpinning of the solid drumbeat and the bass (which is nice and loud), the bit of wah-wah that flutters underneath. Female vocals back up the tune, butt only sing one line, "What can I do?", perhaps to reflect the pointlessness of trying to resist the overpowering emotion. But what really gets me is Gwen's delivery, just spot on, and those lyrics, especially:
gonna be the kind of woman that no man can move
i wanna have the kind of mind that no man can fool
i wanna look you in the eyes without getting weak in the eyes
i wanna be able to do without you despite all my needs
Just brilliant, brilliant stuff. So much good soul out of the state of Florida.....